Welcome to the Weekly Email.

Every Monday morning you will receive, to the email address you entered in the checkout page, a URL link to a 60 Seconds of Safetyā„¢ hand drawn video. Copy the link and email it out to your work colleagues, play it at a toolbox talk or use it to support your safety efforts, the choice is yours! Remember, the video link is only active for one week. The following Monday you will receive another safety video link.

If you have any questions, or anything needs clarification, send an email to [email protected].

Did you know...

Safety Pro subscription to 60 Seconds of Safety™ gives you access to: 

  • over 45 hand drawn safety videos,
  • over 40 POSTERS, like the one to the left.
  • PLUS, you can suggest future video titles to be produced!

50% Complete

Two Step

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